*Subject to market conditions. Investment in securities is a function of structure, environment, and the availability of the deal.
Disclaimer: Securities investments are subject to market risks and there is no assurance or guarantee that the objectives of the investments will be achieved. AIF schemes are not guaranteed and assured income schemes. Investments in AIF are subject to various risks viz. market risk, credit risk, investment risk, etc. and subject to various forces and factors for which the AMC has no control. This is for information purposes only and not a complete disclosure of every material fact, and terms and conditions. It does not constitute a prospectus or information memorandum or an offer to buy any securities or other investments. Please read the fund documents carefully before investing.
CareEdge Advisory AIF Grading Disclaimer : CareEdge Advisory’s AIF Grading is not a recommendation to purchase, sell, or hold a security/ fund. It neither comments on the current market price, suitability for a particular investor nor on the prospective performance of the fund with respect to appreciation, volatility of net asset value (NAV), or yield of the fund. The AIF grading does not address the fund’s ability to meet the payment obligations to the investors. The AIF Grading is based on current information furnished to CareEdge Advisory by the fund or obtained by CareEdge Advisory from sources it considers reliable. CareEdge Advisory does not, however, guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of any information and is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of such information. CareEdge Advisory does not perform an audit in connection with any grading and may, on certain occasions, rely on. The grading may be changed, suspended, or withdrawn as a result of changes in, or unavailability of, such information, or based on other circumstances. Funds rated by CareEdge Advisory have paid a grading fee.