
Scaling peaks with experience and resilience


An open-ended multi-cap fund with investments in large, small, and mid-cap stocks* with the objective of seeking long term capital appreciation.

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Why Atlas
  • Atlas offers investors an opportunity to participate in multiple sectors and across cap curves.
Fund Details
  • Diversified target portfolio of 15-25 stocks
  • Leveraging our experience to play across market cycles


Multicap – Flexible Allocation*

  • Large Cap: 40%
  • Mid Cap: 40%
  • Small Cap: 20%
Portfolio Opportunities
  • Structural Stories provide stability to the portfolio’s returns from a long-term perspective
  • Cyclical & turnaround opportunities generate an additional alpha for investors
4x4 Wealth Multiplier
  • Capex Maestros: Finding opportunities to regularly reinvest in businesses
  • Phygital Bluechips: Technology adapters for a stronger business unit
  • Consumption Czars: Positive wealth effect, household savings rate and rising PCI, all point to robust consumption growth ahead
  • Exports Voyagers: Exports in robust growth mode with IT services, chemicals, pharma drugs and electronics at the forefront

* Indicative allocation. Subject to change based on market conditions.

Disclaimer: Securities investments are subject to market risks and there is no assurance or guarantee that the objectives of the investments will be achieved. AIF schemes are not guaranteed and assured income schemes. Investments in AIF are subject to various risks viz. market risk, credit risk, investment risk, etc. and subject to various forces and factors for which the AMC has no control. This is for information purposes only and not a complete disclosure of every material fact, and terms and conditions. It does not constitute a prospectus or information memorandum or an offer to buy any securities or other investments. Please read the fund documents carefully before investing.

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